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Cotton On

Buy Cotton On eGift Card

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Valid for 36 months

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Cotton On eGift card details

Cotton On is a global fashion and lifestyle brand thats taking the Aussie lifestyle to the world. Theres nothing that excites us more than making a positive difference in peoples lives.
We deliver the trends of the moment in womenswear, menswear and accessories, and inspire our community to have fun with it.
GCX Cotton Gift Cards can be used in Cotton On, Cotton On Kids, Cotton On Body, Rubi Shoes, Factorie, Typo and Supre.
Cotton Gift Cards can be used in-store and online.

SALES ASSOCIATE INSTRUCTIONS : 1 Scan the POS Gift Card Voucher, 2 Scan items, 3 Select F8 Accept payment, 4 Select F7 Gift Cards, 5 Select BH-COG-AU, 6 Scan Gift Card - Enter PIN - Ensure amount of sale equals sale amount, 7 Select F8 Accept, 8 Receipt with print.
ON LINE INSTRUCTIONS : Your E-Gift Card will be emailed to your recipient straight away! E-Gift Cards can be redeemed online at
IN STORE INSTRUCTIONS : Your E-Gift Card will be emailed to your recipient straight away! E-Gift Cards can be redeemed in any Cotton On Group Store in the Country of purchase
REDEMPTION INFORMATION : Present this gift card at any Cotton On, Cotton On Body, Cotton On Kids or Rubi stores in Australia only. This card cannot be used online.

Present this gift card at any CottonOn, CottonOn Body, Cotton On, Kids, Rubi, Factorie, Typo or Supre store in Australia only. Please treat this card like cash. Lost, damaged or stolen cardswill not be replaced or refunded. The amount on this card can be verified in store.Present this giftcard as full or part payment for any goods in our stores or online ( amount will be deducted from your card and any remaining balance
may be applied to a future purchase. No change will be given. This gift card expires 3 years
after the date of issue.Any unused balance will not be refunded or credited upon card expiry.